During October 2011 we established a Patient Participation Group; since then we have consulted the group annually and completed a patient survey.
We have tried hard to ensure that membership of the group is representative of our practice population as a whole.
Although the number of people making up the group is currently satisfactory there is a shortage of older members and frequent users of the surgery are underrepresented, we will continue to attract more members in the hope that a larger group may become more representative.
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email, please complete our Patient Participation Registration form below.
Patient Survey Results
Please see below our previous survey results.
Patient Group Registration
All registered patients are welcome to attend any meeting of the Patient Participation Group without giving prior notice.
If you are interested in hearing about the activities of the Patient Participation Group but cannot/do not want to attend meetings please complete the form below to receive newsletters and invitations to contribute to the group activities online.